Statement Of Acceptance And Adoption

We, the current membership of the NTCF hereby accept this constitution as a supreme document upon which the mission, objectives, and activities of the NTCF are to be based It is the final reference for all decisions of the NTCF and we agree to abide by their contents and the guidelines of the constitution at all times of the active membership to the NTCF.


Section 0 – Preamble

We, the Teachers Christian Fellowship (NTCF) of KwaZulu Natal, acknowledge our historical context within the African continent, KwaZulu Natal our province.

We resolve to unite under the umbrella of our Christian faith, and to build a structure of moral, emotional, cultural, financial and clinical support through various means within the confines of our faith.

We therefore determine this Teachers Christian Fellowship (NTCF) of KwaZulu Natal, as a legitimate structure to appropriately channel this joint vision of its membership.

To realize its objective the NTCF shall form a leadership body to guide its vision and programs of action as the general membership may determine, and as indicated in this constitution.

On behalf of the general membership of the NTCF, the executive body (committee) shall:

  • Uphold the principal of transparency, accountability, responsiveness to, and participation in the general NTCF community.
  • Promote the vision, mission and objectives of the NTCF (and its related sub structures).
  • Affirm and promote the right of its members to carry out convictions of the Christian faith within the guidelines of the Bible, their profession, the Executive committee and this constitution.
  • Enable and Encourage the NTCF members (both generally and individually) to participate in efforts towards the realization of the greatest commission: the spread of the Gospel of the good news to anyone who accommodate accept.
  • To reasonably guide and encourage ways to improve life opportunities (the advancement of the spiritual, emotional, clinical health and other life improving chances) of the NTCF membership (and the surrounding communities).
  • Strive for social redress, increased access to life improving opportunities for members and encourage active transformation within the border society. In adopting this Constitution for the Teachers Christian Fellowship (NTCF), we affirm our commitment to the practical application of the principles, values and guidelines entrenched in its mission.


The Teachers Christian Fellowship aspires to transform schools and education to environments of love and care for the developing learners


The motto of one school one NTCF Christian teacher will be realized through:

  • The transformation of schools
  • Mobilization of Christian teachers in schools to join NTCF
  • Development of spiritual and professional life of educators so that they are effective in their teaching
  • Research and development of pedagogy and didactics
  • Development of leadership and management skills
  • Raising prayer warriors to eradicate drugs, teenage pregnancy, disrespect and violence against teachers and learners to contribute to the improvement of teaching and learning in KZN schools
  • Unite all Christian educators to become witnesses for Jesus Christ and thus :
  • Preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to unsaved educators and learners
  • Teach financial development and independence among members to enable them to become self-reliant
  • Promote Christian values in education


The core values that we as NTCF will strive to maintain represent the character we wish to posses and they stand as the criteria by which we examine ourselves. All our activities shall be consistent with what we preach.

  • Professionalism – strive to promote our continued intellectual and spiritual growth and to conduct ourselves as dedicated professional Christian educators (1 Cor. 14:40).
  • Respect – appreciate and treat all individuals with dignity and respect (1Pet 2:17).
  • Excellence – dedicated to meeting the educational needs of the learner, school, and department; and continually strive for unsurpassed excellence in all we do (Col 3:23, Eph 6:7).
  • Acceptance – called to love, forgive and embrace all people with openness and acceptance (Heb 12:14; Rom 12:16).
  • Character – demand the highest level of integrity, holiness and responsibility to support the school, home and the church (Job 1:1; Ruth 3:11).
  • Help - contribute to the value of others through word and deed; facilitate the growth and success of others; seek first to serve before being served (1 Peter 4:10; Philippians 2:4).

Section 1 – Introduction

Article 1.1 Definitions

The following definitions are clarified:

  • Teacher means anyone who exerts influence on the young ones by training or choice or spiritual gift.
  • The Executive committee – refers to higher decision making and representative body that is duly elected by the members of the NTCF
  • Absolute majority – means the majority of the total membership of the whole organization – usually where voting is used to arrive at critical decisions.
  • Simple Majority – means a majority of members present and voting, usually when specific committees with special decision making powers decide through voting.
  • NTCF member – means a legitimately registered person with full membership status in this National Teachers Christian Fellowship (NTCF).
  • Office Bearer – means an elected and duly authorized person with a specific office title ( could be the chairperson, treasurer, secretary, organizer, public relations officer etc. ) to serve in the NTCF committee (either the executive or any other specific committee).
  • Annual General Meeting – a mandatory meeting of the general membership of the NTCF, usually held annual event where events of the year are reported, evaluated, amended, or changed. New Executive members are elected of the existing ones are re-instated in this general meeting.
  • Special General Meeting – means any other meeting of the general membership of the NTCF that is specially called to attend to an emergency that cannot be effectively dealt with by the elected Executive committee.
  • Routine Meetings – means the regular meetings of the NTCF, or any of its structure, to do the normal tasks of the NTCF, so as to enable the NTCF to carry out its purposes of existence. Routine and frequency of meetings are decided by the Executive committee.
Article 2 Status

This constitution shall bind all registered members of the National Teachers Christian Fellowship (NTCF)

Article 3 Name

The name of the body shall be the National Teachers Christian Fellowship (NTCF) – hereinafter referred to as the NTCF.

Article 4 Structures of the NTCF

There shall be 3 structures of the NTCF

  • 1.4.1 Provincial NTCF Council
  • 1.4.2 Provincial NTCF Executive
  • 1.4.3 District NTCF Executive committee Provincial NTCF Council
  1. President
  2. Deputy President
  3. Secretary General (Organizing and Research)
  4. Secretary (Correspondence and Minutes)
  5. Deputy secretary
  6. Treasurer
  7. Education and Development coordinator
  8. Representatives from functional district (5 from each district) Council may decide from time to time how many representatives from each region should be members of Council. Council shall at least meet two times per year to develop and approve policies and strategic plans of the Provincial Executive Committee.

  • Duties And Powers Of The Council It shall develop the vision and formulate policies of the NTCF

  • It shall formulate fundraising policies of the organization
  • It shall keep all records of Council’s meetings
  • It shall formulate policies and procedures pertaining to all aspects of the NTCF It shall advise the Provincial Executive Committee on matters pertaining to context of operation and strategy It shall monitor the functioning of the National Executive Committee

Section 2: The NTCF Executive committee

The Executive committee is the highest in decision making body of the NTCF – representing the general membership of the entire NTCF structure – subject to this constitution.

The Executive committee shall consist of not less than 3 and not more than 7 registered members who either volunteered, are elected (or nominated),or appointed annually and approved by the absolute majority of the general membership of the NTCF.

A member may nominate him/herself to serve as an executive member of the NTCF. Such voluntary self – nomination should however, be approved by the simple majority

Article 2.1 Composition of the NTCF Provincial Executive Committee

The NTCF must at its first meeting elect from among the members in the manner prescribed in the constitution the following officers to comprise the Executive Committee

2.1.1 Chairperson

2.1.2 Deputy Chairperson

2.1.3 Secretary

2.1.4 Deputy Secretary

2.1.5 Treasure

2.1.6 Deputy Treasurer

2.1.7 Public Relations Officer

2.1.6 Events Organizer

Article 2.2 Functions, Duties and Powers of the NTCF Executive Committee

Subject to the provision of this constitution, the NTCF Executive committee may:

2.2.1 Convene NTCF meetings

2.2.2 Ensure implementation of the constitution

2.2.3 Administer NTCF in the absence of the office and staff

2.2.4 Execute any mandate transferred to it by the Council

2.2.5 Implement Council policies and strategies

Article 2.3 Responsibilities of the Chairperson

2.3.1 The chairperson shall lead and direct the activities of the Executive committee and ensure the effective functioning of the NTCF executive and the entire NTCF body.

2.3.2 The chairperson shall, as the need may arise, order routine as well as special meetings of the Executive, special committee and the general membership of the NTCF

2.3.3 The chairperson shall chair (or make necessary arrangements to ensure a responsible chairing of) the meeting of the NTCF.

2.3.4 The NTCF Executive committee shall reaffirm additional powers of the chairperson and all its officials – according to different tasks and responsibilities that emerge from time to time

2.3.5 The NTCF is founded on and shall be guided by the principal of transparency and constant accountability of and to its members, throughout its existence.

Article 3.4 Meetings of the NTCF Executive Committee

2.4.1 Meetings of the NTCF Executive Committee must take place from time to time in the manner prescribed in the constitution.

2.4.2 50% +1 of the members of the NTCF Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3 NTCF sub Committee

Article 3.1 Constituting of Sub- committees for programmes

3.1.1 Special projects (other types of businesses outside the NTCF traditional scope)

3.1.2 Fund raising projects

3.1.3 Education and Counseling

3.1.4 Biblical contextualisation

3.1.5 Traveling matters

3.1.6 HIV and AIDS Programme

Article 3.2 Termination of membership

A member of the Executive committee ceases to hold office if and when :

3.2.1 He/she ceases to be Christian

3.2.2 He/she tenders his/her resignation in writing

3.2.3 Has unanimously been deemed unsuitable by the quorum (50% +1) and thereof dismissed by the rest of the Executive members of the NTCF

3.2.4 He/she has had two motions of censure passed on him/her during a single term of office by the Executive committee no one or more of the following grounds

  • failure to attend two consecutive meetings of the Executive without an acceptable written apology
  • failure, without an excuse acceptable to the Executive, to carry out duties entrusted to him/her by the NTCF
  • failure to submit quarterly and final reports acceptable to the NTCF or
  • bringing the name of the NTCF into disrepute by being found guilty of a serious offence by the NTCF disciplinary structures
Article 3.3 NTCF Term of Office

The Executive Committee holds office for 4 years unless deemed unfit due to dysfunctionality

Article 3.4 NTCF Standing Committees

The Executive must constitute the following standing committee, whose composition, functions and duties be prescribed by the Executive.

  • May elect a specific person or group of people within itself or among the general membership of the NTCF to carry out specific task for the benefit of the general objective of the NTCF
  • The Executive may also appoint an external person or group of people with special skills (not easily available within the NTCF) to render a specific essential service
Article 3.5 Meeting of the NTCF

3.5.1 The NTCF executive committee must meet from time to time to carry-out its mandate. The executive may agree on the routine and the frequency of its meeting as the need may determine

3.5.2 The quorum for a NTCF meeting is 50% + 1 of the members holding office at a time

Section 4 Finance

Article 4.1.Financial matters

4.1.1 The NTCF shall open and manage a bank account (or accounts) for various purposes deemed necessary for the running of its financial business

4.1.2 The NTCF may establish a close corporation (cc) in line with the close corporation Act, cc Act 69 of 1984 as amended

4.1.3 Signing arrangements in such a cc shall be in line with guidelines set out under the constitution: the Executive signing arrangements

4.1.4 The Executive shall be responsible for the smooth running of the CC. A specific committee or nominees of the NTCF may be selected, nominated or appointed in the line with the guidelines of this constitution- to serve in and run the close corporation.

4.15 Profits of such a close corporation shall be used to advance the general objectives and the mandate of the NTCF

4.1.6 The NTCF Council shall administer the financial matters of the Fellowship

4.1.7 The Council shall authorize three of its members and entrust them with the power to sign contracts and financial correspondence including bank accounts

4.1.8 The signing officials on the financial matters shall comprise the treasurer plus one (or two other members) as the Council may determine.

4.1.9 The President or chairperson of the Provincial or District Executive Committee shall be entrusted with powers of signing contracts , to conclude deals and business transactions on behalf of the NTCF Executive Committee and the general NTCF membership

4.1.10 Such powers shall be used in a responsible manner and for furthering the interests of the general structure and the membership of the NTCF

Section 5: NTCF Development Agencies

Article 5.1 Establishment of Development Agencies

Development agencies may be established by the NTCF and when the need arises.

Articles 5.2 Criteria for Development Agencies

A development agency must:

5.2.1 be inclusive and representative of NTCF members

5.2.2 have a clearly defined service or product objective and must not be merely coordinative in nature

5.2.3 be staffed by NTCF volunteers; provided that the NTCF may appoint and mandate a person to carry out its business operations and may remunerate them

5.2.4 Provide a regular service

5.2.5 be empowered to outsource special expertise not available within its members – provided such expertise will enhance the general objective of the NTCF and enable the realization of the purpose of its existence.

Section 6: Functions and Duties of the NTCF Development Agencies

A Development agency has the following functions and duties

6.1 to provide excellent and professional services according to its mandate, regulations and codes of ethics, as well as in accordance with the objectives of the NTCF

6.2 to serve the diverse NTCF membership and the surrounding communities

6.3 to be accountable to the board NTCF body through the Executive Committee

6.4 to design and implement programmer and coordinate their structure in a manner that affirms the principles outlined in the preamble to this Constitution.

6.5 to meet with an Executive or a member thereof with regard to any issue pertaining to the NTCF Development Agency concerned;

6.6 to provide the NTCF Executive Committee with their planned programmes for their term of office.

Section 7: General Meetings

Article 7.1 Purpose of General meetings

NTCF may convene general meetings of its members to consolidate its mandate, or to provide a platform for debate and to serve as a tool to translate the principal of democracy, accountability and transparency of its activities, or to promote the translation of governance into action.

Article 7.2 Convening a Mass Meeting

7.2.1 The NTCF must convene at least ( but not limited to) two general meeting per year in order to account to its members on the progress made and a report must be given at such a meeting

7.2.2 An emergency meeting may be called by the NTCF, should an urgent matter affecting the members arise

7.2.3 Members may request a general meeting through a petition, signed by at least a quarter of the general membership – handed over to the NTCF Secretary General

7.2.4 The Secretary must after receiving the petition, inform the NTCF Executive Committee and convene such a meeting within two weeks after the petition has been received

7.2.5 A special meeting must be conducted in a manner prescribed in the standing rules.

7.2.6 Notice of the date, time, venue and agenda of a special meeting must be given at seven days before such a meeting, except in the case of Emergency Meetings

Article 7.3 Chairperson, Quorum and Resolutions of a General Meeting

7.3.1 The Secretary General and or the President of the NTCF may chair general meetings

7.3.2 Attendance at general meetings is compulsory for all NTCF members

7.3.3 The Secretariat of the NTCF shall be responsible for taking minutes of such a meeting and publicizing such minutes to general membership.

7.3.4 A resolution taken by a simple majority of a special general meeting of at least a quarter of the NTCF general membership binds the NTCF

Section 8 Constitutional Matters

Articles 8.1 Amendments

Any amendments to this constitution or rules shall be by two – thirds Absolute majority of the general membership of the NTCF

Article 8.2 Standing Rules

The NTCF may by any absolute majority adopt, amend, or repeal standing rules to regulate its activities and must make standing rules to cover

  • NTCF Code of Conduct
  • NTCF Disciplinary Procedures
  • NTCF Meetings and General Meetings
  • NTCF Portfolios
  • NTCF Standing Committees
  • NTCF Financial Policy

Section 9: NTCF Elections

NTCF Elections must take place after every four years as prescribed in this constitution. It is must be conducted by nomination and voting

Section 10: Dissolution Of The NTCF

10.1 The NTCF may be dissolved on a Resolution passed by a majority of provinces present at an annual general meeting of the province, called for that purpose

10.2 Twenty-one (21) days’ notice shall be given on such meeting which will specify the purpose for which the meeting has been called. In the event of NTCF being dissolved, no portion of its assets shall be disposed off to the members thereof, but shall after all liabilities have been met, transferred or made over to some other organization, having aims and objectives of a similar nature to those of the NTCF within the area of operation of the NTCF which areas are determined by this Constitution